Maša Ždralević
Osnovni podaci o istraživaču
Univerzitet Crne Gore, Institut za napredne studije
Naučni saradnik / Docent
Crna Gora
Oblast nauke
3 Medicinske nauke > 301 Bazična medicina
Istraživačko interesovanje
Cancer Research; apoptosis; intracellular signaling pathways; metabolic reprogramming; mitochondria
Naučni radovi
Lista naučnih radova
CYP7A1 polymorphism is a potential genetic marker of atorvastatin efficacy in dyslipidemia therapy
2023 -
Genetics&Applications - Special edition Book of abstracts - International Conference of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina - ABMBBIH -
Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo -
106 -
K = 2.00
Metabolic Plasiticy in Cancers-Distinct Role of Glycolytic Enzymes GPI, LDHs or Membrane Transporters MCTs
2017 -
Front Oncol -
Front Oncol -
doi: 10.3389/fonc.2017.00313 -
K = 5.00
Disrupting the 'Warburg effect' re-routes cancer cells to OXPHOS offering a vulnerability point via 'ferroptosis'-induced cell death.
2017 -
Adv Biol Regul -
Adv Biol Regul -
doi: 10.1016/j.jbior.2017.12.002. -
K = 5.00
Disrupting glucose-6-phosphate isomerase fully suppresses the "Warburg effect" and activates OXPHOS with minimal impact on tumor growth except in hypoxia.
2017 -
Oncotarget -
Oncotarget -
8(50):87623-87637. -
K = 5.00
The transcription factors ADR1 or CAT8 are required for RTG pathway activation and evasion from yeast acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in raffinose.
2016 -
Microb Cell -
Microb Cell -
3(12):621-631 -
K = 5.00
Differential proteome-metabolome profiling of YCA1-knock-out and wild type cells reveals novel metabolic pathways and cellular processes dependent on the yeast metacaspase.
2015 -
Mol Biosyst -
Mol Biosyst -
11(6):1573-83 -
K = 5.00
Yeast as a tool to study mitochondrial retrograde pathway en route to cell stress response.
2015 -
Methods Mol Biol -
Methods Mol Biol -
1265:321-31 -
K = 5.00
Proteome and metabolome profiling of wild-type and YCA1-knock-out yeast cells during acetic acid-induced programmed cell death.
2015 -
J Proteomics -
J Proteomics -
128:173-88. -
K = 5.00
Yeast growth in raffinose results in resistance to acetic-acid induced programmed cell death mostly due to the activation of the mitochondrial retrograde pathway.
2013 -
1833(12):2765-2774 -
K = 5.00
Molecular mechanisms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae stress adaptation and programmed cell death in response to acetic acid.
2013 -
Front Microbiol -
Front Microbiol -
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00033 -
K = 5.00
The role of mitochondria in yeast programmed cell death.
2012 -
Front Oncol -
Front Oncol -
doi: 10.3389/fonc.2012.00070 -
K = 5.00
Yeast as a tool to study signaling pathways in mitochondrial stress response and cytoprotection.
2012 -
ScientificWorldJournal -
ScientificWorldJournal -
doi: 10.1100/2012/912147 -
K = 5.00
The N-acetylcysteine-insensitive acetic acid-induced yeast programmed cell death occurs without macroautophagy.
2012 -
Curr Pharm Biotechnol -
Curr Pharm Biotechnol -
13(15):2705-11 -
K = 5.00
Magistarski i doktorski radovi
Trenutno nema rezultata
Projekti u kojima je istraživač rukovodilac
Projekti u kojima je istraživač član tima
Translational control in Cancer European Network
Non-globular proteins in the era of Machine Learning (ML4NGP)
Disfunkcija mitohondrija u rastu kancera, rezistentnosti na ljekove i hemioterapijom-indukovanoj neuropatiji
Nove metode za stratifikaciju rizika za progresiju kancera i Alchajmerove bolesti kod pacijenata u Crnoj Gori/DEMONSTRATE
Nove metode za stratifikaciju rizika za progresiju kancera i Alchajmerove bolesti kod pacijenata u Crnoj Gori
Disfunkcija mitohondrija u rastu kancera, rezistentnosti na lijekove i hemioterapijom-indukovanoj neuropatiji
Inovativna djelatnost
Intelektualna svojina istraživača
U evidenciji ne postoji evidentirana intelektualna svojina istraživača
Intelektualna svojina istraživača kao koautora
U evidenciji ne postoji evidentirana intelektualna svojina istraživača
Inovativna preduzeća koja je osnovao istraživač
U evidenciji ne postoji inovativno preduzeće koje je osnovao istraživač
Nema objavljenih članaka